338 thoughts on “Dear Folks, Which of these factors would you weigh upon to ensure happiness ?

  1. Greetings to all!!!
    I agree with point 2.If you want to be happy,do not dwell in the past and focus on living fully in the present. The only thing that come from living in the past is hurt and pain. Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. So forget the past and enjoy the present.
    Priyanka Arora

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  2. In this world designed to encounter misery, asking for happiness is a big ask which is hard to find. We have to find this happiness inside by looking inwards as we are minute parts of a whole which is full of eternity, knowledge and bliss. To be blissful ourselves, we have to connect to this storehouse of bliss which is always eager to reciprocate and can be achieved by meditating on it.

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  3. To remain happy, I feel second point is much valid that is not to dwell in past anymore. Fixating on the past or worrying about the future are sure-shot ways of inviting stress. Living in the present, on the other hand, is the key to happiness. Be in this moment, don’t ruin today!
    Living in the present matters a lot as we are engulfed in the flames of the past or in the fear of the future. We make our lives stressful when our minds are cluttered with previous chats, hurtful memories, and anxieties and fears of what’s to come. Moreover, today’s so-called scientific and technical era has given way to desires and wishes that never seem to be satisfied, and so we are always dwelling on the past or the future. As humans we need to control our thoughts and not the other way round where our mind is led by our thoughts. Not living in the present can even be a major source of stress. If we analyse our problems and the causes of stress, you will be surprised to find that 90% of our stress is due to over analysing our past or planning about the future. In simple words, it means that we are not worried about the present and the reason for our stress is either a past event or about what is to come. So we must avoid it and train our mind & heart to live in present only.

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  4. Greetings to all!
    I would like to go with point no 2.The past never changes, can’t be improved, but there’s is often a comfort in the past.By holding onto the past you can’t move forward in your life. You are only existing and not truly living. As humans we are meant to keep moving forward in our lives and grow. Focusing too much on the past can keep us permanently stuck there, We should live our life full of happiness rather than spending too much time replaying how things ought to have gone.

    Saloni Arora

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  5. Greetings of the day!!!!
    I would like to go for point no.5
    Refuse to indulge in self pity. We should not have an attitude like “i can’t do this thing”. Our attitude should be “yes I can” . Believe in yourself will automatically leads to do things easily. It will boost up the self confidence also. If self confidence is there then no one can stop to become a successful person. If success is there then you will be happy. So its a big circle and all are connected to it.So we should not indulge ourselves to have pity. Yes all of our capabilities are different. By judging our capability we should go further for best thing.
    Jyoti Arora

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  6. Greetings to all !!!
    Happiness is one of the most important concepts in the mental health that has an impact on different aspects of life.
    I would like to go with the point- Don’t live in past.
    Enjoy the present, the moment you are in now.
    Be present in this very moment by looking around you. Take in what people are saying, as well as focus on yourself and what you are doing. If you’re struggling with this, try developing a mindfulness meditation practice. This will help you realign your thoughts toward the present, reduce stress, and make space to analyse any problems you have with dwelling on the past.

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  7. Greetings to all!
    I would like to go with point no 2.The past never changes, can’t be improved, but there’s is often a comfort in the past.By holding onto the past you can’t move forward in your life. You are only existing and not truly living. As humans we are meant to keep moving forward in our lives and grow. Focusing too much on the past can keep us permanently stuck there, We should live our life full of happiness rather than spending too much time replaying how things ought to have gone.

    Harpreet Sethi

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  8. I think 7th point is much valid to get happiness in life. I believe one should not expect much for others since it brings only dejections in one’s life. Therefore, a person should always try to create joy in his own ways.

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  9. I will go with the point 2
    Not living in the past as we are constantly knocking at the past, it means you are still not able to accept it. Until we accept the incidents in the past, we will not be able to move on. The past is now gone and nothing can be done about it. So fixating on it can prevent us from performing an action in the present, just because we’ve had negative experiences in the past.

    Living in the moment is very important for being happy. Happiness is nothing about which you have to think. You can only experience joy and happiness by feeling it in the present moment. The happiness you receive or experience does not depend on tangibles and wealth, but it depends upon your ability to be grateful for the things you have in life.

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  10. will go with the point 2
    Not living in the past as we are constantly knocking at the past, it means you are still not able to accept it. Until we accept the incidents in the past, we will not be able to move on. The past is now gone and nothing can be done about it. So fixating on it can prevent us from performing an action in the present, just because we’ve had negative experiences in the past.

    Living in the moment is very important for being happy. Happiness is nothing about which you have to think. You can only experience joy and happiness by feeling it in the present moment. The happiness you receive or experience does not depend on tangibles and wealth, but it depends upon your ability to be grateful for the things you have in life.

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  11. Living in the moment is very important for being happy. Happiness is nothing about which you have to think. You can only experience joy and happiness by feeling it in the present moment. The happiness you receive or experience does not depend on tangibles and wealth, but it depends upon your ability to be grateful for the things you have in life….

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  12. would like to go with point no 2.The past never changes, can’t be improved, but there’s is often a comfort in the past.By holding onto the past you can’t move forward in your life. You are only existing and not truly living. As humans we are meant to keep moving forward in our lives and grow. Focusing too much on the past can keep us permanently stuck there, We should live our life full of happiness rather than spending too much time replaying how things ought to have gone.

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  13. Greetings of the day !!
    I go with third point, Stop wasting your time or energy focusing on things outside your control. First it takes a great deal of energy and causes stress and second it doesn’t make anything better. Stop wasting your time or energy focusing on what you don’t want. Instead focus your attention and energy on what you do want.


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  14. I would like to go with point no. 2 “not live in the past”. If a person want to achieve happiness then the basic rule is live in present. We are human and we used to do mistake. We have to learn through our mistakes, it will give us lessons instead of thinking negative. So we need to forget past and live happily.
    Mandeep Kaur KGT

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  15. Greetings of the Day!
    I would like to go with point no 2. We should not live in past. Living in the present moment means no longer worrying about what happened in the past and not fearing what will happen in the future. It means enjoying what’s happening now and living for today. Choosing to live in the past or the future not only robs you of enjoyment today, but it also robs you of truly living. The only important moment is the present moment. We have to remember all our past mistakes, learn from them and move on. It is one of the most important key to live happily and stress free life.

    Sannia Gulati

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  16. Good Evening All
    I strongly agree with point 2 days.. It’s important to live in present … Nothing is more beautiful than present. Happiness is nothing about which you have to think. It can be felt by experience joy of present moments. The happiness you receive or experience does not depend on tangibles and wealth, but it depends upon your ability to be grateful for the things you have in life….
    Always be happy no enjoy what you have…
    Reeta Gaba

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  17. Greetings to All!
    According to me the point of not living in the past can be the biggest factor contributing to happiness. Continually overthinking the past will lead to an even unsatisfied and uncertain future. Instead of depressing about the past, we should work on making ourselves better which will impact our future. We can shape our future the way we want it to. The past has already been lived and wishing to live it again so you can be better is just a waste of time. Instead plan about your future and strive for excellence.

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  18. Greetings for the day! According to my point of view no.8 Serve something bigger than yourself
    Self-centered and narcissistic people are the least happy people on the planet. The happiest people have found some balance between serving and caring for themselves and serving their family, their co-workers, and those in their community. I once heard someone describe the three pillars of human happiness as fulfilling the need for meaningful work, the need for lifelong connections, and the need to serve something bigger than yourself.

    Serving something bigger than yourself can manifest itself in a number of ways. You might be able to fulfill this at your job. If you work for a non-profit, it might be at the core of your work. But even if at a for-profit company, there is plenty of meaningful work to go around. Healthcare, social media, and productivity software can all have a mission to aid society. If the bug you fix saves someone five minutes they can spend with their family, then that is truly meaningful work.

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  19. I would like to go with point no. 2.
    Living in the past is stressful, unproductive and depressing. We all have setbacks, but turning our setbacks into lessons learned will allow us to mentor and be empathetic to others with similar experience as well as help us not repeat those same mistakes in the future.

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  20. There is a lot written about happiness and its elusive nature. However, what we can do is create conditions within and outside of us where happiness is more likely to happen. Happiness is not a thing that happens to us but rather an thing that we create for ourselves through our mindset, how we relate with our problems and how we generally see the world.

    ***Lower your expectations of yourself
    Shoot for the moon, if you miss, at least you will be among the stars. We’ve all heard this a million times, but, as I said earlier, coding is hard, so I am going to propose that we cut ourselves some slack and don’t expect so much. Just by virtue of our chosen profession, we are overachievers and we make things doubly hard when we expect to progress too fast.

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  21. To remain happy, I feel second point is much valid that is not to dwell in past.
    Do we have a choice ?
    What has happened cannot be undone.
    What will happen is not in our control.
    We have only the present moment to live so live it.While living a moment you can choose to be happy or sad or at peace. Choice is yours. I suggest just be at peace. If you cannot then be happy.
    Focusing too much on the past can keep us permanently stuck there, Rebekah cautions. Rather than spending too much time replaying how things ought to have gone, it’s much more fruitful to give our past over to God and allow Him to transform our present.


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  22. I agree with point 2.If you want to be happy,do not dwell in the past and focus on living fully in the present. The only thing that come from living in the past is hurt and pain. Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. So forget the past and enjoy the present.
    Navneet Saini


  23. Greetings of the day!
    I would like to go with the points that not wasting your time and energy fighting things you cannot change and not living in the past are keys to happiness. People waste their precious energy by talking about the things that cannot be changed. Instead of this,they should relieve their minds and start the smart time management. Cause, it results in higher and more sustainable performance. Other, focusing too much focus on the past can keep us permanently stuck there. So don’t waste you time looking back on what you have lost. Move on, for life is not meant to be travelled backwards.
    Ruby Chahal

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  24. I will go with the point 2
    Not living in the past as we are constantly knocking at the past, it means you are still not able to accept it. Until we accept the incidents in the past, we will not be able to move on. The past is now gone and nothing can be done about it. So fixating on it can prevent us from performing an action in the present, just because we’ve had negative experiences in the past.

    Living in the moment is very important for being happy. Happiness is nothing about which you have to think. You can only experience joy and happiness by feeling it in the present moment. The happiness you receive or experience does not depend on tangibles and wealth, but it depends upon your ability to be grateful for the things you have in life.

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      1. I would like to go with don’t live in the past.
        A person will face happiness when they will live in future in place of past. There must be lots of sorrowful or difficult moments of life in your past. There is no need to remember those days. Try to forget those and live in present with honesty and be a harworking person. Never hide your mistake if you will hide today but in future you will not able to trust yourself. So be truthful and honest. If you are living in present with honesty and hard work then you will definitely face happiness.

        Priyanka Malhotra

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  25. According to me, one must live in the present and stop living in past. Time is not to regret on the past but to take a lesson from your mistakes and move on. Living in past will never let you to focus on your present.

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  26. According to me point 2 i.e Don’t live in past.
    Enjoy the present, the moment you are in now.
    Take in what people are saying, as well as focus on yourself and what you are doing. This will help us realign your thoughts toward the present, reduce stress, and make space to analyse any problems which we have with dwelling on the past.

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  27. Greetings of the day!

    Time is valuable. It’s a limited, finite resource that, once used, can never be reclaimed. If we understand our priorities, we will stop wasting time and live a more meaningful, productive, full and a happy life.

    Rajneet Kaushal

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  28. Greetings to all!!
    I would like to go with second point is much valid that is not to dwell in past anymore. Fixating on the past or worrying about the future are sure-shot ways of inviting stress. Living in the present, on the other hand, is the key to happiness.
    Be in this moment, don’t ruin today!

    Living in the present matters a lot as we are engulfed in the flames of the past or in the fear of the future. We make our lives stressful when our minds are cluttered with previous chats, hurtful memories, and anxieties and fears of what’s to come.
    Chand Arora

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  29. Greetings to all!!!
    I agree with point 2.
    The only thing that come from living in the past is hurt and pain. Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. So forget the past and enjoy the present.
    Pooja Malhotra

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  30. Your time in this world is limited, so why not make the most of it? Set your goals, strive towards achieving them, and you will find that the happiness you were looking for was always within you.

    Don’t depend on people for your happiness; make your own pathways. Try to absorb as much positivity as you can. Negativity can be toxic.

    These sayings from famous and intelligent people can guide you on how you can live a healthy lifestyle. Get inspired and send them to others around you as well.
    Archana Sekhri

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  31. Greetings to all

    I would like to go with point number 3,4 and 8 . First point number 3 , we should not waste our energy on the things where it is not necessary. 4th point , Involvement with the world is important for a smooth lifestyle. 8th point , always find a bigger and higher goal in your life.

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  32. Greetings to all!
    I would like to go with point no 2 Not living in the past.It can be easy to live in the past instead of focusing on the here and now. how many times we have replayed a decision or event over and over in our head.wondering if a different choice might have prevented a bad thing from a happening or given you the outcome we wanted.It also causes discontentment. Focusing too much on the past can keep us permanently stuck there.

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  33. Greetings to all
    I will go with the point 2
    Not living in the past ,Living in the present, on the other hand, is the key to happiness.
    Be in this moment, don’t ruin today


  34. Happiness, in psychology, a state of emotional well-being that a person experiences either in a narrow sense, when good things happen in a specific moment, or more broadly, as a positive evaluation of one’s life and accomplishments overall—that is, subjective well-being.
    Are you living in the past? How can you live a happy life when you can’t let go of what’s already happened?
    Instead of focusing on the present, you’re caught in a web of reflection and brooding, and only your past mistakes seem to matter. Yet there are many out there who live each day with a happy and positive view on life. Why? Because they are not focusing on the past.


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