Dear Folks, We’re all teachers. When you’re a role model, you are influencing people every day. The more you do for others, the happier you’ll be. Therefore, which of these action points would you consider a Priority ?

46 thoughts on “Dear Folks, We’re all teachers. When you’re a role model, you are influencing people every day. The more you do for others, the happier you’ll be. Therefore, which of these action points would you consider a Priority ?

  1. According to me, maintaining work- life balance is most important point.As a teachers everyday we have to play many roles depending upon situation and place .In school teachers act as mentor, guide ,Parental figure for students. The moment we left home and enter school, leave all worries at home and at school start day with new with smile on face and it is very important to maintain balance to satisfy needs of students.

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  2. Greetings of the day !
    As a teacher I consider the following points on priority basis –
    1. Do your best, be your best .Its very important to focus on taking out best from you and than implementing those bests.
    2. Learn something new. One should always eager to learn new by leaving the comfort zone. Its very important to update yourself and than passing it to others.
    3. Learn from mistakes and failures .One can improve himself or herself by learning from mistakes and making sure not to repeat in future .


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  3. In my opinion No: 5 ‘ Walk the Talk ‘ is essential. In current times your family, friends, colleagues want to see you in action, leading by example. When your actions actively work against the things you say, you’re bound to be viewed as a non-progressive and unreliable individual.


  4. Greetings to all!
    According to my experience i would like to go with listen before speak.Being a teacher it’s one of the most important skill if you listen others carefully then you can understand others opinion as well as you can enhance your skills.Secondly, learn from mistakes. Don’t be upset when we fail in any task or we did any mistake.Every bad experience gives us lor of lessons so be ready to accept failure and learn from mistakes.


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  5. Greetings of the day !
    According to me, Be Humble to everyone.As you advance in your career and spend more time in your organisation, continue to act humbly. Even as you gain more knowledge and experience, remember that there are always new things to learn and alternative approaches to solving problems. Respect others’ opinions and ideas so they’ll respect yours.

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  6. Greetings to all…!!!
    According to my opinion ..
    1 Learn from mistake and failures – Its is very important that each and every teacher learn from their own mistakes and failures and improve in future.
    2 Learn something new – A new teacher or experienced teacher both learn in every stage .
    3 Be a good friend – A good teacher behave like h good friend when you need a teacher and build your future also .

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    1. The teachers must encourage positive behavior in their students that promotes learning. They must also make it clear that negative behavior will have certain consequences. Respecting other students and teachers, clear and polite communication and a positive outlook towards learning are the main points to drive home.

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  7. Greetings of the day
    As we know as Teachers we should become highly responsible and full of morality .So we should take care of some points that :-To model honesty, fairness and ethical conduct,To model a caring attitude and promote positive inter-personal relationships,To model correct use of language, oral and written,To foster student self-control, self-discipline and responsibility to others,To model and promote empathy, compassion and respect for the gender, ethnic, religious, cultural and learning diversity of students,To demonstrate skill when managing student behaviour, intervening and resolving discipline problems
    To model good social skills to handle the upcoming Generation.

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  8. According to me, Learn something new ……No matter your education level, you can learn something from everyone you encounter, including fellow educators as well as students. Being willing to continually add tools to your toolbox – even unconventional ones at times – will keep things new and exciting, as well as giving you excellent skills.

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  9. Each of us takes the time to reflect on the leaders who impacted our careers, and in many cases our lives. They opened the window of opportunity, guided us, mentored and unlocked our potential. A leader who brings out the best in each of us is a motivator! They inspire us through their words, praise, positive reinforcement, and by playing to our strengths. The fact is, we all yearn for success and true leaders show us the way.
    Getting ahead in your job is the only thing you see as you climb up your ladder. However, as some people climb, they reach down and help up those on the lower rungs. Or, if someone on a rung above them is having trouble, they help them.

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  10. Greetinfs to all!
    Teachers are the role model of a child with high responsibility and morality.
    According to me …
    1. Be kind and generous- As our kindness positively affects others, we feel more compassionate, confident, useful, and in control. There is nothing as rewarding as giving back to others. Kindness and being generous can change the world.
    2.Forgive and forget-Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurts you. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who caused the harm. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.
    3.Learn from mistakes an failures-Failure often allows you to examine what worked or what didn’t. It can foster your critical and analytical thinking skills, allowing you to innovate, redirect and try another way to execute something the next time.
    Sonia Walia

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  11. Greetings of the day!!!!!!

    Teachers are those who make children knowledgeable and cultured. A teacher is a beautiful gift given by god because god is a creator of the whole world and a teacher is a creator of a whole nation. A teacher is such an important creature in the life of a student, who through his knowledge, patience and love give a strong shape to a student’s whole life. A teacher shares academic knowledge, ethical values and assimilates moral values that help us shape our personality as better human beings. They represent an open book and try to share their life experience for a better tomorrow. A teacher has many qualities, they are efficient in their student’s life and success in every aspect. A teacher is very intelligent. They know how the mind of students gets concentrated in studies.
    In India, we gave great importance to the teacher. According to the Indian concept, the teacher is the spiritual and intellectual father of the teacher. No education is possible without the help of the teacher. He is regarded as the “Guru” – a speculator, a companion, and a guide.In ancient India, the transmission of knowledge was oral, and the teacher was the sole custodian of knowledge. The relationship between the teacher and the students was amiable and deep in ancient times. Hard Work is the Key to be a Teacher.

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  12. Well, I will try to imbibe all the characteristics mentioned above. Basically, For any teacher or school, there is no sense of achievement greater than seeing their students succeed in life. And it is for this reason that they focus extensively on improving and enhancing their strengths, help them overcomes weaknesses, etc. I will take care of ‘Honour Tradition’. the most which otherwise stands for motivating and encouraging for the child’s effort. Keep in mind that encouragement plays an important role in the success of a child. Once the teacher is able to identify the weaknesses of a student, he/ she can try to encourage them in more than one ways. Applauding them in front of the entire class and praising their effort would be a great start. If their grades improve in the subject they were weak in, tell them to keep up the effort and reach out to you for any kind of help. This little level of confidence is would really help in elevating the effort of the weak student and help them to strive for more.

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  13. Good Morning Everyone,
    We are so occupied that we cannot let our mind get engrossed into such matters which makes you stressed.
    To avoid this, we should learn the art of Forget and Forgive.
    The first thing forgiveness does to your body is, it reduces stress. Stress is the cause of a lot of disorders in body like blood pressure, anxiety and depression which also reduces our immunity.
    Harleen Kaur Dance


  14. Greeting to all !
    The action points that I would consider a Priority as a teacher are ;
    1.Earn respect.Ateacher is a community leader.We as teachers must be consistent,patient, kind and honest.
    2.Make a difference .As a teacher we must try to be friendly,cooperative helpful and guide the students for an overall development of their personality so that they excel in their life in an exceptional,different way.

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  15. Greetings to all!
    A teacher is the one who have to play a role of mother, a friend, a guide and sometimes he/she needs to be harsh.
    So teacher should have all the qualities for overall development of personality of child.


  16. Good Evening Everyone
    Maintaining work- life balance is essential .As a teacher everyday we have to play many roles depending upon situation and place such as mentor, guide ,parental figure for students. The moment we left home and enter school, leave all worries at home and at school start day with new with smile on face and it is very important to maintain balance to satisfy needs of students.
    Reeta Gaba

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  17. Greetings Everyone!!!
    As a teacher, everyday we have to face new challanges. We are so occupied that we cannot let our mind get engrossed into such matters which makes you stressed.
    To avoid this we should learn the art of Forget and Forgive.
    The first thing forgiveness does to your body is, it reduces stress. Stress is the cause of a lot of disorders in body like blood pressure, anxiety and depression which also reduces our immunity. Forgiveness helps us move from a spot of conflict to peace and calm.

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  18. Teachers are generally considered as the weakest members of the society but on the contrary they are the ones shaping the future of any country. They need to be given their due and for that teachers need to be the change they want in the society. They should lead by example and ready to swim against the flow. They should avoid short cuts and leave a mark for the future generations to follow.

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  19. Greetings to all
    I try to bring out the best in my students in academics and try to solve their doubts. My only mantra is to let the students do whatever they want and rectify them in what they try to do. In order to encourage I am always their to help them. I let them make mistakes and let them learn from it. They need to be the best in any form as of humanity. As we are raining a good citizen it is our core duty let them know and understand kindness and acceptance.

    Kind Regards

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    1. I think be open minded and tolerant. Teaching is very important job. Teachers are main source who have their impact on their students. So they should be open-minded and tolerable in nature, as they have to impress their students.


  20. I will go with learn something new everyday. It helps us break out of our normal patterns of behaviour. It gives our brains something to think about other than our daily worries. It might be a mere temporary distraction but it shows our mind and body that thinking about something other than stressful things is possible and desirable.

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  21. Greeting to all !
    The action points that I would consider a Priority as a teacher are ;
    Earn respect.A teacher is a community leader.We as teachers must be consistent,patient, kind and honest.


  22. According to me, bring out the best in others is my priority. By helping them, by giving proper guidance, and to make them comfortable in order to achieve the desired goal or to complete a certain task. I know all have their individual, and creative ideas but something they need a just a small pushup. Some sort of encouragement.
    So i think if i can help someone in the process of their work. I will definately feel happy. I didn’t require any kind of recognition or thanks in return but i know that i will do the same just to feel pleasure in my heart.
    Priyanka Malhotra


  23. Emotions make our lives exciting, unique, and vibrant. I want to control the way take challenges. You cannot control everything that happens in your life, but you can control the meaning you attach to those events.


  24. According to my opinion we should learn from mistakes. Don’t be upset when we fail in any task or we did any mistake.Every bad experience gives us so many lessons so be ready to accept failure and learn from mistakes.


  25. I believe a teacher should involve all qualities like open minded, give her best, supportive, hardworking and should always strive for the betterment of her students. She should always ready to give and never be harsh on anybody. All individual have knowledge she should consider all students equal


  26. Greetings of the day!!
    They provide education and impart knowledge
    Your key to success and prosperity is education. In both our personal life and future careers, education is crucial. Without dedicated teachers, prosperity and success might only be aspirational ideals. Teachers have a significant impact on the achievement of many people.



  27. Teachers are the role model of a child with high responsibility and morality.
    According to me …
    Be kind and generous- As our kindness positively affects others, we feel more compassionate, confident, useful, and in control. There is nothing as rewarding as giving back to others. Kindness and being generous can change the world.


    Ways to Build Good Karma and Generate Happiness
    Offer a compliment.
    Make a good recommendation. A friend and co-worker of mine had this happened once. …
    Just start working. …
    Find someone a job. …
    Offer thanks. …
    Give away something valuable. …
    Teach someone to do something. …


  29. Greetings to all!!
    I will go with point no. 1 Lead by example. When you’re trying to become a better leader, it’s essential to identify and improve your core leadership values. There are many specific values that effective leaders possess. Understanding what leadership values are and the core values you want to implement into your leadership style can help you improve your relationship and connection with a team, thus becoming a more effective leader.
    Leadership values are the core beliefs and principles that guide leaders and managers in their personal and professional lives and allow them to oversee, lead and manage others effectively. Your values are the things you believe are most important to achieving your goals and being happy.
    Leadership values can connect closely to both your personal core values and the values of your employer’s company. For example, being ethical and empathetic may be personal values but, if applied to your leadership style, may also allow you to succeed as a leader.
    Avinash Bharti


  30. Greetings to all..
    I would like to go with the point Listen before you speak.
    Not only listening enhance our ability to understand better and make us a better communicator. It also makes the experience of speaking to us in more enjoyable to the students.


  31. Greetings of the day!
    According to me a teacher should be kind because
    A kind teacher shows students that they want to be more interactive. They say encouraging things and try to helps that students should feel encouraged to do the work.

    Rajneet Kaushal


  32. I will go with ‘Learn something new’. One should always eager to learn new by leaving the comfort zone. Its very important to update yourself and than passing it to others.


    1. According to my experience i would like to go with listen before speak.Not only listening enhance our ability to understand better and make us a better communicator.while listing this makes better communicator.


  33. Greetings to all!!
    I try to bring out the best in my students in academics and try to solve their doubts. My only mantra is to let the students do whatever they want and rectify them in what they try to do. In order to encourage I am always their to help them. I let them make mistakes and let them learn from it. They need to be the best in any form as of humanity. As we are raining a good citizen it is our core duty let them know and understand kindness and acceptance.
    Sannia Gulati


  34. A teacher plays an important role in childs life and encouragement plays an important role in the success of a child. It is the teacher who identify the weaknesses of a student, it is for this reason that they focus extensively on improving and enhancing their strengths, help children to overcomes weaknesses, etc. I will take care of ‘Honour Tradition’.


  35. By reading all the points I have concluded that I want from my profession is respect.
    I would like to give respect and want to have respect by doing my job sincerely.
    I believe when you work and give your 100% and then your work speaks for yourself.


  36. Greetings to all!
    According to my experience i would like to go with listen before speak.Being a teacher it’s one of the most important skill if you listen others carefully then you can understand others opinion as well as you can enhance your skills.Secondly, learn from mistakes. Don’t be upset when we fail in any task or we did any mistake.Every bad experience gives us lor of lessons so be ready to accept failure and learn from mistakes.

    Chand Arora


  37. Forgive and forget-Forgiveness can even lead to feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion for the one who hurts you. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who caused the harm.


  38. Greetings of the day!
    As a teacher, following points are my priorities:-
    *Be humble* – Give students freedom and flexibility. As a teacher don’t feel like you need to take on a strict, authoritative approach, let them learn through their own experiences.

    *Remain true to your values*- staying true to yourself means that you act in harmony with who you are and what you believe. Like this you will be more happier and more productive.

    Ruby Chahal


  39. Greetings of the day!
    As a teacher, following points are my priorities:-
    *Be humble* – Give students freedom and flexibility. As a teacher don’t feel like you need to take on a strict, let them learn through their own experiences.
    *learn from mistakes -Don’t be upset when we fail in any task or we did any mistake.Every bad experience gives us lots of lessons so be ready to accept failure


  40. Greetings of the day
    According to me, Lead by Example
    Teachers are leaders all day. They lead by example in the way they act, speak, and behave. They lead their students through challenging activities and rigorous learning. Then, they take on additional teacher leadership roles inside and outside the classroom.
    Students and children are highly impressionable and are seeking out role models whose actions they will adopt and mirror. That’s why, as a teacher, we must lead by example and inspire our students to be the best they can be.
    Mandeep pgt


  41. According to me ‘Show Gratitude’ is most important point.Gratitude keeps you grounded and ever moving forward. The attitude of gratitude helps keep you aligned with your goals and working toward personal development. Practicing gratitude with colleagues also makes them feel more in line with the team.


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