Our Struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle has never been easy. Therefore, which of these easy steps according to you are easy to follow- with an objective of attaining a perfect lifestyle ?

67 thoughts on “Our Struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle has never been easy. Therefore, which of these easy steps according to you are easy to follow- with an objective of attaining a perfect lifestyle ?

  1. I guess , No: 2 & No: 8 hold immense importance. As youngsters , While in Boarding School we were counselled seriously , based on scientific studies that show that a lack of sleep causes many significant changes in the body and increases your risk for serious health concerns such as obesity, disease due to weak immunity. Further , going on to explain that sleep is an important function for many reasons – our brain signals your body to release hormones and compounds that help: a) decrease risk for any adverse health conditions , b) manage your hunger levels, c) maintain your immune system & IMPORTANTLY c) retain memory.

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  2. according to me points no.1,2 and 8 is very important for our struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle and easy to follow- with an objective of attaining a perfect lifestyle.

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    1. Quite true about ‘ Reading ‘. In fact, Sachin Tendulkar in his book titled ‘ Playing it my way.’ makes a mention about reading being a part of his fitness MANTRA, that Reading doesn’t just improve your knowledge, it can help fight depression, make you more confident and empathetic. It can also encourage positive thinking and better decision making. He goes on to mention that daily reading for pleasure helped him prevent conditions such as stress.

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  3. According to me, points 1,2, 7 ,8 hold immense importance. Attaining healthy lifestyle these days is not an easy task.But the things which we can follow easily are covering these points. Things which are under our control must be followed to have better results. By adopting these points at least we can keep diseases at bay.

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    1. You are quite right , No: 7 should top the list of priority’s. in fact you will be delighted to note – Laughter Yoga is a unique form of exercise regime that is sweeping the world, with proven benefits for health and well-being. First introduced in Mumbai India in 1995 by a medical doctor, Dr Madan Kataria and his wife Madhuri who was a yoga teacher, Laughter Yoga has spread to more than 70 countries in the world. There are now more than 6,000 Laughter Clubs globally, with the overall aim of spreading joy and happiness towards World Peace.

      The science behind Laughter Yoga is that the body cannot differentiate between real laughter and fake or simulated laughter. Therefore, the holistic benefits to Body, Mind and Spirit are the same whether laughter is fake or real.

      Laughter Yoga combines yogic breathing (Pranayama) with laughter exercises. In Yogic philosophy, it is all about the power of the breath as the Life Energy Force (prana).

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      1. According to me no. 1,4 and 8 are most important.
        1.) Exercise keep our body fit and we feel light and active. For good life style fit body is equally important.
        2.)Mental and stretch breaks play an essential part in our busy schedule. If we work continuously, the result will not be productive. Little but important breaks between any work gives relaxation to our mind.
        3.) Eight hours of sound and tidy sleep gives someone a new start. Sleeping on time is one of the good habit and it helps us in maintaining good lifestyle .
        Best Wishes

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    2. According to me point no.1 is very important because hour of exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn. A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve your health and well-being. There are many different things that you can do to live a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy, being physically active, maintaining a healthy weigh, and managing your stress. These habits improve your overall well-being and make you feel good.

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  4. According to me 1. as a gym trainer, proudly providing you that it’s no secret that moving more helps you to be fitter and healthier. As little as 30 minutes exercise can boost your general health and well-being. It also adds six years of your life. When you go out in a park or gym for exercise, you meet health conscious people there that forces you to be more serious for your health. Exercise also lowers mental stress and helps you to take sound sleep. It also maintains the water level of your body as you need much consumption of water during exercise. All other point of good and healthy lifestyle are revolving around this.

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  5. I quite agree. In fact , on my recent visit to an Armoured Core Regiment in Amritsar, I couldn’t help but note a large banner behind the Commanders desk which read,”Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise.

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  6. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self image . And if we choose from these points i beleive that point no 1 and 6 is helpfull to live healthy life style as the true purpose of meditation is to let go of your constant stream of thoughts that you go through daily like your fears, desires, anxieties, etc., and experience stillness so that you can have glimpse of your soul. When you regularly meditate you will find that it will become easier to settle into that stillness, and you will find that you are able to integrate the calm from your meditation into your daily life and physical fitness is not the sole basis of being healthy; being healthy means being mentally and emotionally fit. Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle.

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    1. Very true about No: 6, Sir. You’ll be pleased to know that all major airlines( specially British Airways ) have a fixed 20 minutes daily routine of Meditation for their cabin crew before they board their flights – objective is that meditation is great for reducing stress and improving concentration, but it’s even more impressive to see what it can do for our health as we age. Airline Cabin crew behavior has shown that regular meditation can significantly IMPROVE ATTENTION, memory, VERBAL FLUENCY and helps in better reasoning.The 20 minutes a day, result in multiple physiologic changes that benefit our health from head-to-toe.

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  7. According to me point no… 1 and 6
    matters a lot. Combining meditation and exercise are having lot of benefits. With the help of meditation, you can improve focus and control that are much needed when working out. On the other hand, meditating after a workout reduces different levels which tend to elevate when you are exercising.

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  8. A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of a good life. While it does not take much to achieve this lifestyle many people these days are unable to follow it owing to several reasons such as professional commitments, lack of determination and personal issues. It takes a good amount of determination to lead a healthy lifestyle these days. With so many tasks to accomplish during the day, our health often takes a backseat. It is important to realize the need to follow a healthy lifestyle and understand the ways in which it can be achieved.

    It is time people should understand that our health is of utmost importance and it is only when we are healthy would we be able to work efficiently on other aspects of our lives. Developing healthy habits requires just a few changes in the daily routine.According to me, all mentioned points are equally important.”Health is Wealth”. It is indeed but seems like our generation has forgotten it. It is time to slow down and take a look at the way you are living and treating your body. You may make more money, win friends and afford the luxuries of life with the lifestyle you are following but you are shortening your life span. Take charge of your life and switch to healthy habits while there is still time.

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  9. Experts define goal setting as the act of selecting a target or objective you wish to achieve. Fair enough. That definition makes sense, but I think there is a much more useful way to think about setting goals. The real challenge is not determining if you want the result, but if you are willing to accept the sacrifices required to achieve your goal.

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  10. I believe all points are important these should be opted in perfect blend to get maximum benefit of these.Be an Observer of life: We have the unique ‘power to observe our lives’ and decide to do more of what we want to do, and less of what we do not want to do. It is very important to discover our purpose, vision, mission in life if we want to get the most out of life and to realise our true potential during our lifetimes. The learned will always be conquered by the learners.

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  11. In today’s world a number of people are doing many efforts for healthy lifestyle.Above given all points are having their own importance. We opt different acc.to our comfort zone. Daily exercise/yoga or meditation, minutes of laughter,litres of water & early to bed & early to rise helps a lot to attain healthy life style.

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  12. All the points mentioned above are equally effective for healthy life style considering more to point number 4 and 6 having daily practice for meditation and stretching is greatly a help to develop a healthy lifestyle.

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    1. Quite right about ‘Stretching’. In fact every sports enthusiast considers this an extremely important practice to add to heir daily routine to be on their way to better health. I think it’s important that even if you are not planning on exercising vigorously, it is still important to stretch in order to receive multiple benefits for your body and your mind.

      Many of us carry stress in our muscles. When feeling overwhelmed, muscles tighten acting as a defensive strategy. The more we stretch, the less tense muscles will be. Therefore, Stretching is indeed a very effective form of stress management.

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  13. According to me, Meditation is one of the best method to attain healthy and perfect life. With the help of Meditation only we can achieve rest of the 9 points also because it removes our stress, make us fit and energetic, make us laugh which is the best remedy so that no only we even we can help society also to live stress free and happy life.

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    1. Quite right,Madam. In my interactions with People who meditate regularly, say it provides mental, spiritual and physical benefits, including stress reduction and a sense of well- being. Even specialist doctors recommend meditation to help treat chronic pain, anxiety, high blood pressure and other ailments. How it works is indeed quite amazing.

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  14. In today’s world a number of people are doing so many efforts for healthy lifestyle.Above given all points are having their own importance. We opt different acc.to our comfort zone. Daily exercise/yoga or meditation, minutes of laughter,litres of water & early to bed & early to rise helps a lot to attain healthy life style.


  15. According to me liters of water point no 2 I highlighted as regular supply of water to your body helps brain work at a better pace and helps us to concentrate. Just as your car will go further with more fuel, your productivity levels will increase with more water.
    Secondly hours of sleep Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more

    “Sleep used to be kind like parking our car in a garage and picking it up in the morning,

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    1. Quite right, Madam. In fact, Top business executives swear by a 30-second morning habit anyone can adopt, they reach out for Water instead of Coffee or Tea.

      You will be pleased to know, When asked Rania Batayneh, nutritionist and the author of “The One One One Diet,” about the potential benefits.She strongly recommends that everyone start their days with a tall glass of water , “because drink of water 1st thing when we awake aids in both body regulation and brain function, it is also closely related to balancing out our moods.”

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  16. Healthy lifestyle….. Everyone wants. But today… There is race of everything… Everyone wants to get only first position… Someone do exercises only because of other happiness. So, for healthy lifestyle is live for ourselves…. Firstly.. Then we got healthy lifestyle. All the points are essential for healthy lifestyle but according to me…. 1. Exercise daily….. Walking is good exercise and Morning walk is too good when we take fresh breathe and after that we are enthusiast to every activities. 2. Laughter is a good therapy….. When we got time we laughed it will helps to handle our difficult situations and control upon mind. 3. Litres of water… Yes it helps in everything….our skin glows… Remove obesity…. …. All points are essential for healthy lifestyle.

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  17. According to me no. 4 and 8 are most important.Mental and stretch breaks play an essential part in our busy schedule. If we work continuously, the result will not be productive.Sleeping on time is one of the good habit and it helps us in maintaining good lifestyle .

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  18. It is rightly said that excess of everything is bad for health so all the points are very important to attain a healthy lifestyle but in right amount.

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  19. From my point of view, all these points are absolutely appropriate for a healthy and perfect lifestyle. But the question here for me is- Are we following all of these?
    No, our lifestyle is as such that all these cannot be followed regularly. But at least we can try incorporating them in our daily routine. So, i feel point 1,2,3,5,7,8,9 are of great importance. They will sum up all the things required to have a better life altogether. But most important for me to relax is to have mental and stretch breaks in which minutes of laughter can be included wherein a person rejuvenates to get back to work more effectively. Monotony makes a person dull and unproductive.

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    1. Quite right about No: 9, Madam. In fact a prominent study out of California State University showed that mood lifted greatly in correlation with increased numbers of daily steps.


  20. As per my point of view I feel above mentioned all the points are equally important to attain a healthy life style.But our life style is so packed that we hardly get time to follow all these on daily basis .So some general points like 1,2,5,7,9 can be easily followed even in our busy schedules .We can drink water in between ourwork. We should be try to be happy as much we can . We can walk as much we want .last but not least be grateful to GOD for this wonderful gift that is LIFE.

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  21. According to me point no. 1,2,6 & 8 are very important to maintain a healthy life style and easy to follow. We know that hardly we get time for meditation but if we adopt I think this will really work.

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  22. Acc. to me point no. 1,4,7 n 8 are very important in order to attain perfect lifestyle. Mental n stretch breaks n minutes of laughter can help us to be more productive in our work lyf. Moreover with regular exercise n prpr hrs of sleep we can be more active.

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  23. All the points are equally important. Healthy life style ,Meditation Laughter ,Litres of water… to make us fit and energetic, Is the best method to helps us in even we can help society also to live stress free and happy life.

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  24. A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people’s health and well-being.
    All points are equally important but according to me point no.1,2,6 and 7 are more helpful for healthy lifestyle. Exercise, reading, meditation, liters of water, laughter these are some easy points that we can follow.

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  25. According to me, points 1,2, 7 ,8 hold immense importance.When setting up a routine, it can be easy to forget the most important activity – resting. Humans simply aren’t built for working all day, every day without a break. If you don’t consider this in your routine, there is a danger that you will lose energy and enthusiasm all together and burn out, thereby killing your productivity altogether. This can be mitigated by making sure to making sure you get some rest.
    One way to do this is by picking a reasonable time to stop working, another is to take a quick nap, others recommend meditation. It all depends on your preference.

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  26. Actually all these points are quite important and need to be followed but we get stuck in so many unexpected or unwanted things… It becomes hard to follow them in daily routine… I feel one hour exercise is a must to avoid diseases, drinking water in an appropriate manner, 8 hours of sleep to feel fresh and rejuvenated through out the next day and it would be feasible only when we have a fix routine… Sleep at 10 at night and wake up at 6 in the morning… Early to bed and early to rise…….. 😌 😌

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  27. Ifeel point 1,2,3,5,7,8,9 are of great importance.Meditation is one of the best method to attain healthy and perfect life. By Meditation only we can removes our stress, make us fit and energetic, make us laugh and live stress free life.

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  28. All the points mentioned above are equally important for healthy life style considering more to point number 1,4, 6 and 8. Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases. Exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life. Stretching provides your mind with a mental break. It allows you to recharge and refresh the blood flow throughout your body, resulting in a calmer and more peaceful mindset.Regular meditation helps in relieving stress and thus improves the quality of sleep. Less stress means more happiness. You will live a happier and healthier life with meditation.It is believed that meditation improves the immune system and thereby helps in controlling blood pressure and lowering blood cholesterol. When you sleep, important physical and mental processes are carried out. Regular, good quality sleep is important for brain functioning, emotional wellbeing, physical health, daytime performance and personal safety. Research suggests that adults need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to be well rested.

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  29. I believe that point 2 and 7 are the most important amongs other points. Having enough water and not doing anything else would surely lead you to a healthy life . And I believe laughter is medicine to all the problems and stress .

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    1. Quite right, Madam. We know of an age old saying, ” Laughter is the best Medicine ” In fact, specialist Doctors have confirmed that Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even relieve pain.


  30. According to me all points are important.Attaining healthy lifestyle these days is not an easy task.but I think there is a much more useful way to think about setting goals.I am strongly agree with point number 2,3 ,4 and 7

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  31. Healthy lifestyle is very important in our life. To stay healthy regular exercise, sound sleep, green vegetables play a very important role. Reading good books make us positive. Doung work in systematic and organized manner also help a lot.

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  32. In my opinion point 2,7,8 and 10 are important to be healthy . I beleive meditation and having enough sleep lets you relax physically and mentally both which is very important .

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  33. The body is truly the temple of the soul, and you don’t want that temple to fall apart!
    I think 1 & 2 points are most important.
    1. Water
    You can save money and improve your health by drinking water throughout the day. The natural liquid offers the benefits of hydration, nourishment, and improved well-being. Water can cleanse toxins from the body, improve brain function, energize muscles, control weight gain, and balance body temperature and fluids.
    2. Exercise
    Exercise is a great way to stimulate your health and studies have shown that physical activity helps to improve longevity and overall health. Try to exercise up to three times a week. Pick a convenient time schedule out time. You can exercise for 30 minutes the morning to get energized for your day.

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  34. As per my view all points are important but the most important points are doing exercise so that we remain physically fit ,take 7 hours sleep so that we remain mentally relax and minutes of laughter so that we remain happy whole day .

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  35. All the points given above are equally effective for healthy life style but the most important points are doing exercise because
    It strengthens the heart. The heart is a muscle. …
    It helps keep arteries and veins clear. …
    It strengthens the lungs. …
    It reduces blood sugar levels. …
    It controls weight. …
    It strengthens bones. …
    It helps prevent cancer. …
    It regulates blood pressure.

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  36. This time, the blog is raising the burning question of the hour i.e. maintaining the healthy life style. Couple of years ago, I too was a fitness freak. I was quite conscious about all the things mentioned above. But now, I am losing the track a bit.
    To maintain the fitness drive…I will be quite at home to incorporate point no 2, 3,4,5,7 and 8. I will be drinking maximum water .I will be having green tea as well. Taking break also will help me out. As laughter is considered as the best medicine. So I will not be missing any chance to laugh upon. Most importantly I will take complete sleep.

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    1. You are right about No: 5 – Daily Gratitude, In fact the Gurbani in the Granth Sahib speaks about Gratitude being an affirmation of goodness; when you feel gratitude, you affirm that you live in a benevolent world. Further goes on to say ” When we remain thankful for what we have , we are better able to cope with stress, have more positive emotions and less anxiety, sleep better.


  37. Someone rightly said that health is wealth. And to keep it well ,I will go with point no. o ..that is to take zero calorie food and I will say no to processed food. Point no 2 and 7 also equally important. I will drink maximum water and will have the maximum moments of laughter.

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  38. According to me, important for healthy life style considering more to point number 1,4, 6 and 8. Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases. Exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life. Stretching provides your mind with a mental break. It allows you to recharge and refresh the blood flow throughout your body, resulting in a calmer and more peaceful mindset.Regular meditation helps in relieving stress and thus improves the quality of sleep. Less stress means more happiness. You will live a happier and healthier life with meditation.It is believed that meditation improves the immune system and thereby helps in controlling blood pressure and lowering blood cholesterol.

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  39. Maintaining healthy lifestyle is a hard nut to crack.Due to hectic schedule of modern people, this dream has remained dream only. I strongly feel that hours of sleep and lots of water are initial steps to the way to keep ourselves healthy.It hardly cost anything, we just need to maintain our habits.Additionally, laughter is an elite therapy which can do wonders and the best part is it is also free hence to stay healthy does not cost much if we are aware that what are the productive ways to follow.

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  40. According to me no 4 and 7 are important .mental n stress breaks and laughter are essential for healthy lifestyle.In today’s era life is full of stress , competition and we don’t spend time for ourselves . Laughter is the remedy for every problem in universe.

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    1. Sure, laughing makes us feel good both emotionally and physically—but its benefits go deeper than that. Studies suggest that a sense of humor is linked to a better quality of life and sense of well-being. Laughter is one of the most direct ways to activate a release of endorphins, a process that allays symptoms of depression and anxiety.

      Cultivating an ability to laugh in the face of difficult situations can breed happiness and a capacity to cope during times of high stress.

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  41. Health as we know is subjectively our priority but every single bean knows that it is not always possible. Infact one always preffers his her social life and work first. Fitness freaks and coaches might say things like one can always take out 1 to 2 hours for physical work but majority fails to the attempt. But if we try to understand, it is not that the majority cannot take out time but the thing is that they don’t feel it’s importance. Once you think upon things, you try to analyse them, you always have a solution. Apart i believe that the points 1,2,6,7,8 and 9 are if focused
    upon, it would be great for your life.

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  42. I think all the above mentioned points hold equal importance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can achieve our motive if we try to skip anyone of these.

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  43. Greetings for the day! The topic is quite good and it’s an open secret that Health is wealth, still, somehow the working class finds it very difficult to go for a workout; when they are the ones who need to be fit for their job. All the points have been nicely picked up and suggested over here and all of them are much needed but it’s up to us how we find time out of time and make it happen.

    Ritika Rana

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  44. According to me point no 1 and 6 .Meditation is essential to feel well and live a Happy Life. Meditation can help us to eliminate negative thoughts, worries, anxiety, all factors that can prevent us feeling happy. It has been proved that the practice of meditation, carried out on a regular basis, will mitigate the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

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  45. Healthy lifestyle is an allurance which incline productivity and provides quality in every stage.I strongly feel that liters of water can have an immense impact when it comes to owning decent and healthy lifestyle.Also a good laughter can work as a stress buster with the topping of good hours of sleep.

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  46. In my point of view, point number 1 and 2 are very important. As Good health and Good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.So, to enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise. TO KEEP THE BODY IN GOOD HEALTH IS A DUTY…. OTHERWISE WE SHALL NOT BE ABLE TO KEEP OUR MIND STRONG AND CLEAR. Water is The Driving Force of all Nature. So , we must drink water in a proper amount as required by our body.That’s why Make Water Your Primary Drink instead of Soda, Juice. Choose Pure Water Throughout Your Day.

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  47. i think dealing with change is imp..as we should change ourself with atmosphere.
    with surroundings etc. we should change our life style with every lil change


  48. Fitness is imp as we coach it may say things like one can always take out 1 to 2 hours for physical work but majority of people attempt it.


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