74 thoughts on “Which of these 12 would you consider as a most common time management mistake and how can you avoid them?

  1. The most common mistake Time Management mistake committed by someone will be point no. 7. You know to perform various tasks at the same time make the goals unachievable. It makes a negative impact on your working efficiency as well. I feel to revise the strategy also matters when we perform any task. So point no. 9 is equally considerable. Another thing that I feel that can prove wrong in Time Management is Using Technology for the sake of it only, i.e. 11th point .Sometimes we may have done a better usage of the Technology around us to upgrade the standard of our task. But being in hurriedness, we compile it in easy notes instead of making an extra effort.

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  2. Point no 6 and 8 seem petty fine as considering the most common time management mistakes that one can do. Sometimes in hurry we forget to make To-do list so we fail to get the desired result. Another thing skipping breaks also make the whole show monotonous. Thus those should be incorporated in between the work.

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    1. I think being obsessed with hours spent rather than work done is a huge time management mistake.to overcome this we must our work smartly so that we could be able to complete the work timely and could go to the next task with time in hands.

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  3. According to me, not planning our project is the biggest mistake in time management. If we don’t plan then we are not able to know that what to do, when to do & how to do.

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  4. Point 9- not revisiting your strategy actually brings you down the ladder, when you only concentrate on finishing the tasks given one by one. In the whole exercise of doing things, we as teachers sometimes do not wish to go back and see the strategies laid down by us .Instead we can manage time by rechecking our own strategies.

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  5. Lack of planning and not setting up goals clearly will lead to project failure. Put together a realistic plan with target timeline to achieve your goals instead of overcommitting yourself.

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  6. Not setting goals is the big point …i think…without setting targets nd goals….someone cannot do planning nd making list…planning helps to do work step by step….so it is the plus point in time management…

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  7. Point .11 We’re not against technology – far from it. In fact, we actively encourage that you make life easier for yourself by using the wide array of handy apps and tools out there. However, the problem is that most people just go for quantity over quality. They bloat their iPhones, tablets, and laptops with ‘helpful’ applications but end up being more confused than ever before.

    The trick is in selecting a few different apps that combine to give you what you need and then forgetting about the rest. Don’t download a new tool every couple of days, ignore that advertisement for that latest useful app. If you find what works for you, stick with it. The truth is that many of these apps do much of the same thing with only small differences between them – do your research, pick the ones that do what you need them to and stop. 

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    1. I’m in agreement to a great extent, Madam. Unfortunately, technology now is seen as a replacement for Experience / a human teacher rather than a tool to enhance the educational process and the quality. The exaggerated importance of the device and its software for any learning puts a Manager/teacher in a position of device administrator rather than a ‘ decipher’ or ‘transmitter’ of knowledge.

      In my experiences from being a part of Industry, if every person can get immediate feedback on their actions by application of technology – this would be an enlightening and desired boost leading managers to change their procedures for attempting to do things in a better manner.


  8. According to me point no.9 revisiting your strategy is the common time management mistake, as we know we have many works to do so we should concentrate on our work and complete it within the time.

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    1. Quite Right Madam, In fact , should you ask any leader about the resource that is in most shortage and almost all of them would unanimously say that it is time. When we know that time crunch is a big reality, then A)why don’t we work on it? B)Why does it always surprise us at the end of the day to find that we have not managed to complete all the tasks(personal or professional)? C)Why is it that some people are quite relaxed about this and some are very stressed out?

      Therefore, a re-visit is useful . Time managed well increases our productivity, reduces unwanted stress and improves the overall quality of life.


  9. All the points are showing this fact that if we will not correct them, mis management of time will definitely occur.
    According to me if we handle many things in one time, it create problems and we will not be able do even a single task. So we should do one task at one time so that we can give 100 percent of it.
    When we don’t set our goals then also we get distracted. Setting of goals in life give us direction to move further in life.

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  10. According to me, we make mistakes when do not plan for to do list and we do not follow projecting technique and we need to set up our mind for doing the things.

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  11. According to me, not having to do list and improper planning are two common time management mistakes. A person needs to be organized to get proper results of a task. For that reason, time management and proper planning are vital.

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  12. ‘Not planning your project ‘, I think this is the most common time management mistake that we do. If we will plan our work and work accordingly , then we will be able to finish all our works on time.

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  13. As TIME MANAGEMENT IS LIFE MANAGEMENT. So, We must Must plan projects and to-do-list for our work. Secondly, we must not be obsessed with hours spent rather than work done.And thirdly , One must Set some Goals which they have to achieve.

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  14. According to me, not having to do list and improper planning are two common time management mistakes. Planning helps us to know what all needs to do urgently and what all can be done a little later A person needs to be organized to get proper results of a task.

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  15. Time management is a process of planning and scheduling time among different tasks in order to maximize the productivity of an individual.So prioritize each and every task to achieve our goal.

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  16. according to me if manage time than we manage life so with planning only we manage time .Friends be alert ,be vigilent during completing any task.

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  17. According to me, common mistakes are not to make to do list and not setting goals.An individual should enlist things to do in a day and update list from time to time.

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