It’s rather important to take a moment each day to ensure that your mindset is actively serving your best interests. Here are a set of 13 factors to cultivate Mindfulness. Which of these appeals to you most ? (1).png

95 thoughts on “It’s rather important to take a moment each day to ensure that your mindset is actively serving your best interests. Here are a set of 13 factors to cultivate Mindfulness. Which of these appeals to you most ?

  1. Confidence is an important characteristic to finding the path to success. With confidence in your own work, comes the reward of the confidence of others in you. Boosting that confidence is the growing self-esteem, which results from tackling challenges.

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  2. optimistic people are healthier and live longer than pessimists.Joy is a necessity and fundamental to our well being. Success is like running a marathon; it takes time, persistence, and mental training. Believe in yourself and remember you are capable of great things.

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  3. Mindfullness can be cultivated by seeing the bright side always and by reflecting back on your day.It rather depends on the values that you carry with you.If you do each of your task religiously, mindfuÄŗness is surely felt.

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  4. According to me; Challenging yourself and positive thinking can set mind actively serving our best intrest.
    ā€œ[P]ositive thinking actually means approaching lifeā€™s challenges with a positive outlook. It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring the bad things; instead, it involves making the most of the potentially bad situations, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light.ā€

    Liked by 1 person

  5. According to me learning new thing:-Learning anything requires commitment and the ability to push through the uncomfortable feeling of not being very good until reaching competency. While on the path to competency, a little motivation can go a long way.

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  6. According to me, the best way to challenge yourself is to start with small steps and put yourself in uncomfortable situations.ā€œYou could volunteer to do something you have not done before, or even try to lead a small initiative within your team. …
    Work In A Different Team. …
    Update Your Skills. …
    Move Beyond Organisational Help. …
    Learn From Failure.
    Pooja Mahajan


  7. In my opinion,The right way to challenge yourself is to sit in a quiet room and think of a list of things that you have always wanted to do. Write these down and try to achieve one every month or two. Not only will this remind us of our aspirations, it will also allow us to have goals to achieve, and get creative in fulfilling them!


  8. According to me opinion point no. 5 (Do Yourself Proud) is very important. When feelings of pride come in your mind it means that you do something that you love to do or have always wanted to do. Whether doing that gives back something tangible or intangible is secondary. A feeling of pride in its accomplishment will definitely be there.


    1. Challenging to ourselves on the daily basis keep you motivated to try beyond your limits. It gives us confidence and proud ..


    2. Cultivating positive emotions is the best way to build immunity to a bad mood. Gratitude is one just emotion to start cultivating but itā€™s a powerful one.A gratitude practice such as writing a gratitude list each day, or writing a gratitude letter can help keep you in a positive state of mind. Give thanks for the day ahead of you!
      Joy is a necessity and fundamental to our wellbeing. Look inside. Reflect on what makes you happy, what propels you. Maybe itā€™s travel, family, or a hobby. Whatever it is, following your inner compass is the first step to a strong mental outlook.It may not be every day that you interact or talk with these people, though hopefully it is, but if you have someone that can offer you support when when things arenā€™t going well, you will have a greater chance of staying positive.


  9. According to me dancing through life:you dancing hand in hand on the edge of the sand,they danced by the light of the moon.Dance is the hidden language of the soul.conciousness express itself through creation.Nobody cares if you canā€™t dance well The job of feetā€™s is waking but their hobby is dancing.Dancing is more than just grooving on the dance floor to your favourite will be surprised how many benefits are associated with dancing ,not only does it train your brain and your bodyā€™s motor skills but it also is an excellent exercise for your entire body. As such, it helps you to stay physically and mentally fit.


  10. In my point of view point no 4 is most essential. Taking on such challenges is an important part of growing and developing as a person. The more we can test our limits and capabilities, the more we will learn about ourselves. New challenges are opportunities for us.
    But the truth is that staying in your comfort zoneā€”particularly when you do so out of fearā€”is not always exactly comfortable. By avoiding challenges, we donā€™t have the opportunities to learn about ourselves. We need to take on new challenges that stretch us and give us more opportunities.


  11. Confidence is an important characteristic to finding the path to success. With confidence in your own work, comes the reward of the confidence of others in you.


  12. Getting the right frame of mind, although all the points can be valid but the most important are the 2,12 and13.
    Looking at the bright side of everything will give you a positive push to get through the situation. So we can fulfil the expectations of the faced problems.


  13. In my opinion, mindfulness can be cultivated by seeing the bright side always. One should always see the brighter side of things. today the world is full of negativity, so in such situations its very important to look at the positive aspect.


  14. Confidence is an important characteristic to finding the path to success. With confidence in your own work, comes the reward of the confidence of others in you.Challenging to ourselves on the daily basis keep you motivated to try beyond your limits. It gives us confidence and proud ..


  15. Challenging ourselves with new situations and to see the good in people will benefit us in several ways. Getting motivated through every phase of life will give us a reason to live more happily which is a sign of positive mindfulness.


  16. All points are important but according to me point no. 8 is very positive for us. Learning something new is always an exciting endeavor to commence. The problem is that most of us get wrapped up in busy distractions throughout the day so that we can never find the time to learn the new skill we want.


  17. According to me learning new thing:-Learning anything requires commitment and the ability to push through the uncomfortable feeling of not being very good until reaching competency. While on the path to competency, a little motivation can go a long way.


  18. According to me, the best way to challenge yourself is to learn everyday new things and ready to accept new challenges which will not only enhance your skills but also make yourself strong and always help you to solve the problems in a positive manner.


  19. Challenging to ourselves on the daily basis keep you motivated to try beyond your limits.
    We need to take on new challenges that stretch us and give us more opportunities. . With confidence in your own work, comes the reward of the confidence of others in you. Boosting that confidence is the growing self-esteem, which results from tackling challenges.


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