We must Teach ourselves to always believe in ourselves and to not feel sorry for ourselves. Which of the 5 would you consider more Empowering ?


73 thoughts on “We must Teach ourselves to always believe in ourselves and to not feel sorry for ourselves. Which of the 5 would you consider more Empowering ?

  1. WHHERE I feel really helps you to move ahead in your life. You must know how to react as well as act in different situations that come in your way.

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  2. i believe that moving forward make us a more empower as make decisions that will propel you forward, no matter how many obstacles life throws at you. If you take the time to consciously start shifting these behaviors and adopting new habits that serve your higher self, you will transform your life.We all get stuck in a rut from time to time, but it’s up to you whether or not you want to stew in it or take action to rise above it.

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  3. According to me more empowering W of life is What lies ahead be always mystery…… Yes’s it is true who knows what will be happen in future. Don’t afraid to explore. Live in present. So live each and every moment as it does not come back again. It is absolutely true ‘We learn from our mistakes ‘ ….Donot afraid of obstacles… Life is full of mystery. So we do mistakes…. Never give up.. Always learn from our mistakes… Then we got success in our life. So always explore ourselves .

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  4. I think WHAT lies ahead is always a mystery for us ,bcz we don’t know what will happen in future ,But always be prepared for every situation.If situations are in favour of you then it is ok,but if the circumstances are opposite,just be calm ,make a good plan to deal with that situation,never get panic or afraid.Always boost your confidence,you will get proper decisions.

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  5. According to me, who you are is what makes you special.DO NOT CHANGE FOR ANY ONE. people are trying to bring you down and trying to change you, but there is something unique in you that makes you special. you are not going to please everyone, so BE YOURSELF.

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  6. Who you are is what that makes you special. Being yourself makes happiness easier to obtain. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment that any person can achieve. When you are being yourself, it is easier to see what you want out of your own life and what is truly important to you.

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  7. Belief can be a powerful tool if you know how to use it properly. “ The biggest difference I’ve noticed between successful people and unsuccessful people isn’t intelligence or opportunity or resources. It’s the belief that they can make their goals happen.”- James Clear
    -To put yourself on the track to success, you need to understand that your brain always plays against you.
    -It doesn’t care about your big goals, the only thing it wants is to keep you alive. Therefore, we experience procrastination, self-doubt, negative thinking, anxiety and so on.
    -The sure-fire way to overcome these obstacles is to not believe in them and truly believe in yourself.
    Simranjeet Kaur

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  8. According to me, the most important W is who you are? Means that we all are special in one or the other way. We all different qualities. We have to live our life in our own way but not on somebody’s else expectations. Change is a part of life it’s true but we should not try to change ourselves for anyone at any cost. Believe in yourself, Chase your dreams and move on in your life to achieve your targets.

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  9. According to me, the most important W is Who you are is what that makes you special. Leadership is about ownership. If you want your team to be positive, you must be positive. You don’t need to change yourself to please others. The world needs the special gift that only you can bring to the table. What’s something interesting about yourself that makes you the unique individual you are. You are you and you can’t be anyone different. Never change who you are in order to make others comfortable with who they are. So leadership is also about self-selection.

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  10. According to me who you are is more important.Everyone is unique in his/her way.Don’t change yourself to please anyone. Be original,be confident.

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  11. Questions of life have all the answers… All you need vision to find them.They are inspirations disguised which help you to choose path when confused and also help you to realize inner potentials and talents that god grant all of us but few of us explore it.

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  12. Acc.to me WHO YOU ARE is considering more empowering. Everyone has different elements that make a person genuinely unique.never change yourself for other .be confident be yourself and go head .

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  13. The fifth W states, “Why things happen will never be certain. Take it in stride and move forward.” Nobody will ever understand why bad things happen. I believe that “Everything happens for a reason.” Even though we sometimes don’t understand what the reasoning could possibly be, we have to have faith in knowing that it did happen for a reason and everything will work out the way it’s supposed to be. Even though it’s hard to understand why bad things happen, such as death, illnesses, and much more, we most move forward in life and not dwell on the things we can’t change.

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  14. According to me “When life pushes you over, you push back harder” is considering more empowering.We are all human beings, nobody’s perfect in our lives. However, it’s how we react to the failure that shows our true character. When things don’t go our way, and life pushes us over, we must push back harder, knowing that everything happens for a reason and the best is yet to come. Don’t give up, and have faith in knowing that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.

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  15. For me, WHO you are is the first to empower ourselves followed by WHERE. Because if we know WHO we are and what we want in life then we will try to reach effeciently WHERE we want to go or what we want to attain.

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  16. All the points are important to empower yourself.
    But according to me one should not change itself for anyone. You should keep yourself as you are. Because this is what you are. People will more appriciate you if u will not change yourself for others. Because people don’t change behaviour unless it makes a difference for them to do so.

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  17. Everyone is unique in every manner. Our uniqueness differs us from the crowd of people. The 1st point refers to be own in your way that also leads to Where u should Go. We should have the confidence to explore and don’t afraid of getting surprise from the life.

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  18. All W’s are important but whoever u are,just be it.WE all are unique creatures and gifted with unique talent also.Represent your originality and stick with it.This is what makes you special and different from others.Be you are,who you are holds the importance

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  19. All the lines are very important. Life is a challenge. We need to face it… every individual has her strengths and weakness, but at the same time we all have some special characteristic characters. We need not change it for others. We need to live for ourselves. Society influences us, our relations try to change us. but as individuals we know what is good for us and will help us to achieve. Believe in God is very important , as he shows us the direction.

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  20. It is very important to not to change for anyone and donot think much about what happened in the past, stay positive and move forward.

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  21. It is very important to not to change for anyon as people always want to change you according to their convenience and donot think much about what happened in the past, stay positive and move forward.

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  22. In my point of view, the first W ismore empowering of the life.I ‘ve learned throughout the past few years that people are going to try to change you,but we have to remember that we each have something unique about us,so do not change for a any one. Be yourself. Be- don’t try to become. (Osho)

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  23. In my point of view, the first W is more empowering of the life.I ‘ve learned throughout the past few years that people are going to try to change you,but we have to remember that we each have something unique about us,so do not change for a any one. Be yourself. Be- don’t try to become. (Osho)

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  24. Life is a challenge and everyone lives their own way … We all have differnt qualities .Who you are is what that makes you special .No need to change it for others.Stay positivr, Be confident and go ahead in your life…it will be make yours life easier.

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  25. Who you are and the things that matter most to you is far more important than what others will think or say. So take charge and live the life the way you want.

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  26. According to me who you are is what makes u special .when people are ready to they change.they never do it before then,and sometimes they die before they get around to it. You can’t make them change if they don’t want to, just like when they do want to,you can’t stop them

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  27. According to me when life pushes you over you push back harder as Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not cliches but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path.

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  28. According to me more empowering W of life is What lies ahead be always mystery…… Yes’s it is true who knows what will be happen in future. Don’t afraid to explore. Live in present. So live each and every moment as it does not come back again. It is absolutely true ‘We learn from our mistakes ‘ ….Donot afraid of obstacles. We must try and react as per the situation.

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  29. According to me…Who you are is more empowering act,, because every person has different qualities that makes us unique from others..this act also help empowering self confidence nd positively in life..so Don’t change yourself for anyone..

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  30. WHEN life pushes you harder , you push back harder . This statement is self explanatory for one to never give up. When life shakes you , firmly beleive in yourself and put on the double efforts and ultimately you will be the winner .

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  31. According to me, we should always believe in ourselves. We should know that we are special in our own way . Where most of the people loose confidence is when they start comparing themselves to others and try to change . So i think we should know that we are special and we should not change .

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  32. According to me all the W’s are important in ones life but, the two W’s which I find utmost empowering are :
    Every individual is having a unique personality which differentiates him/her from the rest of the world. You should not go by or change yourselves based on what people say. At the end of the day, they, too, are judging you from their perspective. You should rather be yourself and let people accept you for what you are than be somebody who you are not, just because you want people’s approval. So be yourself.
    We are like tea bags whose strength comes out when it is put into hot water. So, never give up when tough times or difficulties arise in life. It may be because we are God’s favorite cup of tea, whom the Almighty wants to be the strongest.
    Life is the best teacher and I believe that every situation in our life happens for a reason – to teach us lessons . Therefore, we should never cease making an effort and keep on moving forward.

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  33. Being original in the world full of copies is similar to keep integrity and dignity at zenith which is the foundation of being trustworthy to ourself.In a materialistic scenario, people are in the rat-race to compete each other and they go to any extent to do this and the bitter thing they do is to change themself according to others however they usually forget the charm they have in themself hence changing personality should always be for positive and for being pretential.Also try hard and hard and again and again can built an aura who can face any hardship in life.

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  34. Greetings for the day! Well the question as well the options are quite interesting and meaningful. I would prefer WHO, i.e. be the person who you really are…I mean one must be natural, not to put on fake masks; otherwise change is the law of nature and that change means to adapt and adopt new things of learning as well as new pedagogies to teach. Secondly I prefer to move on. We generally keep on moving like a pendulum…sometimes in past, and at other times in future, but we hardly live in present…which means a gift. Thus, one must keep moving with a joyful heart carrying no heartburns. Life is a precious gift by the almighty and we all must respect this gift and be thankful to HIM.

    Ritika Rana

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  35. The most empowering factor in our life would be to understand that the things happen will never be certain. We should take it instride and move forward with the positive attitude believing something positive will happen. Coming forward we should also understand that what lies ahead will always be a mystery and one should not be afraid to explore.

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  36. “WHEN life pushes u over,push back harder” is the most important..We should make some extra efforts n ultimately we can achieve our goal.

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  37. I strongly believe that the phrase “Why things happen will never be certain. Take it in stride and move forward”tells us to progress strongly whatever problems may occur.In these situations,  we should try to solve them. it is a good habit to develop. It reduces stress on your body and develops a realization in life. There are somethings you can control and others you can’t.
    The quicker you learn this, the better it is for you.

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  38. The most empowering one is that who you are is what makes you special and don’t change for anyone. People come to pull you down but remember you are the best creation of God and if you have to change… Change for yourself to become your best version not bcoz other have told you. Secondly life pushes you over, you push back harder. Life comes with many ups and downs & we have to face them bravely. The harder your life is… The best you are going to achieve. Because God gives toughest role to his best actor so be ready for your outstanding performance.

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  39. For me I believe that from the above 5 W’s of life the one that is really empowering is .. Who you are that only makes you special amongst others and dont change yourself in any way. Feel you are the unique piece created by GOd .

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  40. I think move forward is the most empowering factor in our life.the fact that we r still here gives you an advantage. We should’t look back look straight ahead decide to use all of your knowledge,skills, experiences and your life lessons from your mistakes,defeats and setbacks, to start over again.life changes .we may not have the same life as before but we can still enjoye our life.

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  41. The W which matters the most is the ‘Who’ as it describes our nature, our attitude towards life i.e. how we handle the situation, how we react and perceive the righteous action. Undoubtedly, without believing on oneself, one cannot conquer the zenith of the World.


  42. Acc.to me WHO YOU ARE is more empowering. Everyone has different qualities that make a person genuinely unique. Never change yourself for other. Be confident Be yourself and go ahead .

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  43. Who you are is what that makes you special. Being yourself makes happiness easier to obtain. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment that any person can achieve. When you are being yourself, it is easier to see what you want out of your own life and what is truly important to you

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  44. I believe in all the five W’s and one H i.e. how, you get along with every phase of your life.We should not be too rigid that we break off .Be flexible enough in every situation and believe in yourself. You yourself are the best motivator for you.

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  45. According to me, who you are is what makes you special. People are trying to change you but be yourself, don’t change being you for anyone, if they don’t like you for who you are then they don’t deserve to be in your life. You are you and you can’t be anyone different.

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